Wednesday, July 28, 2010


In this installment of Will This Become That?, we take a look at Sarah Michelle Gellar. You know how they say that if you want to see how a woman will age, just take a look at her mother? Well, take a look at Sarah's mother. Things do not bode well for our dear Sarah. They look a hell of a lot like each other face-wise. Body-wise? We love Sarah. She's beautiful but that can fade. Let's just hope that Freddie didn't marry her based on looks alone. Poor Sarah.


Anonymous said...

Her mother is dumpy and overweight I can tell by the lack of definition in her arms and shoulders that she never exercised or exercise enough to maintain semblance of a healthy form. SGellar, her daughter, will undoubtedly go to the gym , preferable to plastic surgery, and take better care so that when she ages she will retain a certain amount of beauty.

TimeThumper said...

A strong possibility. However, Sarah could drop out of the limelight one day and then resurface down the line in a paparazzi photo looking just like her mother after 30 years of not caring what she looked like.